Love Grant Me Serenity

I’ve talked with many people recently who are struggling with their concept of a Higher Power having to be “God.” So I’ve suggested that they think of Love as being their Higher Power. It doesn’t have to be Higher Love, just love itself.

Even if a person doesn’t believe in God or some form of higher being or even Spirit, he/she will more often than not acknowledge to me that they believe in love as a powerful force within themselves and within the world. I don’t personally know of anyone who doesn’t believe that love is a spiritual experience.

Love is a spiritual experience and a powerful force that guides each of us from within. In doing so, love connects us and unites us; making it a truly powerful force throughout this world we live in.

It’s also easy to pray by substituting the word “love” for the word “God.” For example, we can say the Serenity Prayer in this manor: Love grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

If you feel that you are indeed a spiritual being, but you are negatively hung-up on the concept of “God,” try substituting “Love” for “God.” Love is truly a divine force that can lift you to beautiful spiritual realms along the path of your recovery.


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