Find Heaven In Your Own Arms

“I never knew heaven could speak, but now I do
I’ve learned it through a conversation with you
I never knew heaven could dance, but now I do
With every step another dream comes true
I always thought heaven was somewhere
Way up high in the sky above
I never thought heaven was someone
Like you for me to love
I never knew heaven could hold such tender charms
I never knew heaven could be here in my arms.”
Harry Revel & Mack Gordon,  I Never Knew Heaven Could Speak

There have been many great love songs over the decades, but unfortunately they have almost always expressed very needy, codependent believes. The focus is centered on finding heaven in someone else and the singer is hopelessly lost without that someone else.

From Harry Nilsson’s sentiments in “Without You” (“I can’t live if living is without you”) to Irving Berlin’s sentiments in “I Never Knew Heaven Could Speak,” all of the emphasis is on finding happiness outside of one’s self. In other words, the belief is that happiness is in someone else’s hands (or arms) and we must find them to be happy.

I agree with Berlin in that I think Heaven is not above us, but I don’t agree that it’s found in someone else’s arms or in holding someone else in our arms. Heaven is in our arms—but it appears when we learn to hold and love ourselves in our own arms.

Heaven is that place on earth that is inside of each of us. Heaven resides in our souls and we can only find it and claim it by going inside ourselves and loving the person that we are. We find heaven in our own arms, by loving our own selves, first and foremost. This is our primary heaven and nothing can shake it. Once we find it and claim it, it’s ours forever.

After we’ve established heaven inside ourselves, we then may find a parallel heaven, one that compliments our primary heaven, through someone else. We can then share love with that person and our personal heaven can be enhanced, but it won’t be threatened or destroyed should we ever lose that person.

You will never find your primary heaven in someone else’s arms. You can only find it in your own arms. Start loving the person that you are today. Discover that primary heaven inside your soul, through your God-connection. The sooner you find it, the sooner you’ll be ready to enjoy a parallel heaven with others.


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