Find Your Joy in This Moment NOW!

“Your soul can see that this moment NOW is full of gifts for you.
Meanwhile, the ego is waiting for a better now.”
Robert Holden

Seems many of us need to learn to see life more clearly through the eyes of our souls. Robert Holden is certainly right. Our souls see the magic, the miracles, the blessings in each and every moment. But then, sadly, there’s a part of us that’s never satisfied. Whether it’s the ego or not, I can’t say. But I know I have a voice inside of me that’s rarely satisfied.

That dissatisfied voice inside is always complaining about all of the things that it wants but cannot have. It complains that it wants love from this person or that person—a love that is never felt—and so the voice is miserable in its longing for what it can’t have. And in the process of its whining, I am made miserable. The disenchanted voice whines about many things. Life never seems to be what it wants life to be because this voice always wants all of the wrong things. At the same time, it insists that it has to have all of these wrong things in order to be happy—and I feel it draining life right out of me as it whines.

For many years I have allowed this dissatisfied voice to drown-out the voice of my soul, but I’m working at changing which voice I give my primary attention to hearing. I’m sick of the whining and I’m ready to experience the joy that every moment holds.

Yesterday I noticed that there was an abundance of butterflies all over the retreat house grounds. Some were yellow, others white and others black with orange paisley-like designs on their wings. So I stopped long enough to enjoy the moment while watching the butterflies dance through the air. In other words, I took time to listen to the voice of my soul and I did find happiness in the moment NOW.

It’s going to take a lot of practice to tune-in to the voice of my soul and to turn the volume down on the voice of my ego, or the voice of the Great Whiner, or whatever we want to call it. But I believe I can do it. I’d rather discover joy than misery in each moment.

Acceptance is the key. The more we accept that certain things will never be the way the Great Whiner wants, the sooner we will be able to let go of our need to trump reality. It’s an impossible task, anyway. Reality always wins. So let’s try accepting it and turning our attention to the unexpected joy to be found in this moment NOW!


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