Choose to Believe You Are Loveable!

In his book Loveability, Robert Holden says “the basic fear ‘I am not loveable’ can play itself out in so many ways… ‘There is something wrong with me,’ ‘I am unseen,’ ‘I am not understood,’ ‘I am incapable,’ ‘I am not safe,’ ‘I am not interesting,’ ‘I am all alone,’ or ‘I don’t matter.” Over the course of my life I have experienced all of these fears.

Likewise over the past 18 years of my recovery, I have encountered countless numbers of people who have suffered greatly from the same fears. Anytime we believe we are not good enough to be loveable—not even to be loveable to our parents or God—our thinking will begin to nosedive off a cliff into total self-annihilation. 

For me, believing I was “not good enough” led me to believe that I needed to be invisible. It seemed logical to me that if people couldn’t see me, they also couldn’t defile or hurt me: They couldn’t criticize or bully what they could not see. So I worked hard as a child to be silent, to breathe quietly and to fade into the background wherever I was. It provided me with one of the few abilities I had to feel safe.

Certainly, I never felt understood or interesting. How interesting can a wallflower be? How understood can a person be who never speaks or reveals anything about him/herself for fear of being criticized? Fear kept the real me trapped inside the outer-shell of my body. I felt emotionally paralyzed and completely unable to let the real me out because my fear of being personally attacked and destroyed was so great.

As a result, I became incapable of expressing myself or of doing many things I would have liked to have done. I loved to sing and have a great voice, but the older I got, the more I suppressed that talent. I have a great dry sense of humor, but the older I got, the more I closed in on myself and refused to express that gift. I didn’t feel safe enough to let the real me surface and so I began to feel like I had nothing to offer the world.

The more I withdrew into myself, the more alone I felt and the more I came to believe that I just didn’t matter at all. Even when I would get enough courage to speak up and express myself, I was more often than not drowned-out by others. And being drowned-out simply reinforced my belief that nothing I had to offer mattered to anyone.

But recovery through Codependents Anonymous has taught me that I do matter because I am lovable—just as lovable as everyone else. Recovery has also allowed me to reconnect with my true self, to find my voice again. It’s allowed me to express myself, to recover my lost sense of humor and to stand up in front of a group of people unafraid to speak or to sing. It has taught me that I do matter—and that everyone matters.

Recovery has taught me that there’s nothing wrong with me beyond my patterns of thinking and the dysfunctional patterns of behavior that resulted from my messed-up thinking. It has allowed me to change my thinking about myself and thus to change my feelings, my patterns of behavior and my entire life—for the better.

If you are feeling unlovable, I highly recommend Robert Holden’s book, Loveability. And I highly recommend that you find a good support group that can nurture you through the recovery process: Codependents Anonymous. Adult Children of Alcoholics, Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon. Decide today that you are indeed lovable and begin the journey toward believing it!


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