Live NOW and Leave the Regrets Behind

“You think you’ve bought my love like a toy
You better watch your stuff, my pride and joy
You never know what you’ve got till it’s gone
You better not play with love until you know what you’re doing
You never know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”
Bell & James, You Never Know What You’ve Got (1978)

The older I get the more I realize that it’s really true: You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone. We rarely take time to appreciate the youthful glow our faces radiate or the youthful enthusiasm that spills forth from our souls when we are young adults. But as soon as we start losing these youthful treasures, reality hits and we find ourselves desperately trying to hold on to them or to reclaim them.

The same is often true when we think about the people we love and the importance of our relationships. Addictive thinking stripped many of us of having good relationships with ourselves and thus with others. Self-rejection left us being really uncomfortable in our own skin and many of us seemingly wasted away our youth loathing ourselves instead of appreciating all the good we had to offer the world around us. That same self-rejection alienated us from the people around us. We never felt “good enough” to be loved by any of them—even when they sincerely offered us love.

Well, it’s time we started letting go of the regrets and realizing what we all have: VALUE. Every one of us has God-given value. We are all lovable and we all have purpose. So we need to wake-up and start appreciating what we’ve got RIGHT NOW!

The more I’ve come to love and accept myself just as I am, the more comfortable and natural I have become in simply being me and not caring about what other people think of me. This has allowed me to better live in the moment. Being more comfortable with me has also allowed me to be more comfortable with others. That level of comfort has placed me in the present moment so I enjoy each moment—and those I share each moment with—100 percent more than I used to do when I was so self-conscious about not being “good enough.”

Everyone is good enough and we can all chose to believe we are. We can also choose to believe that the people in our lives—family, friends, lovers—are good enough, too. Being good enough isn’t about outside things. It’s all about the inside things. Being good enough isn’t about the car you drive or the neighborhood you live in; it isn’t about the job you have or how much money you make; and it isn’t about how many awards or trophies you’ve earned. Being good enough isn’t about past failures or bad behavior either. Being good enough is all about the person inside of you RIGHT NOW. It’s all about the unique beautiful person inside of everyone RIGHT NOW—and nothing else.

So I am learning to love myself—and everyone—for who’s inside RIGHT NOW. And I’m consciously doing it NOW ‘cause I know what I’ve got NOW. And I don’t want to be looking back anymore and regretting the fact that “you never know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” I NOW know what I’ve got-- and I'm loving it!


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