All of Your Answers Are Inside of a You

The more we practice recovery, the more we accept, like and love ourselves. As our self-worth grows,  a Light does begin to glow from within us: It’s the Light of Love, of our Higher Power alive within us.

This Light begins to take flame when we stop judging ourselves as not good enough, or as worthless. Suddenly, the reflection of ourselves in the mirror (or pictures), doesn’t make us cringe anymore. We actually begin to like what we see in the mirror and we no longer dread looking at pictures of ourselves.

Suddenly, we begin to feel the glow inside us and realize that this very glow is the Spirit of our Higher Power, who has always loved us so much, and is so happy that we have accepted the invitation to begin loving ourselves.

Yes, that inner-beauty is the divine Essence of our Higher Power. And it shows us that we have finally given up on trying to find happiness and worth outside ourselves (through alcohol, codependency on others, drugs, shopping, sugar, etc.) and that we are now turning inside ourselves to find our true value in this life.

All of our answers are inside of us. Our Higher Power is waiting to share them with us and to bring new wisdom and joy into our lives. We just have to take the first step by rejecting addictive acting out with outside resources, and instead, be willing to look inside ourselves.

Once inside ourselves, our Higher Power will Light the way. We will discover our inner beauty and we will cherish it. We will then glow from within and share our TOTAL beauty, inside and outside, with the world around us. And we will leave an authentic impression of love wherever we go!


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