Peace Arises Within Us Through Acceptance and Surrender

This is a great quote from Eckhart Tolle. It contains wisdom that I have to keep reminding myself of every day: Work with each moment, accepting it as if you had chosen it.

Over my lifetime I have been accustomed to fighting each moment, thought or feeling that came along. That tactic has produced nothing but misery and addictive acting-out. I’m learning to realize that I don’t have to like the present moment, or a particular thought or feeling, but I also need to accept it in order to retain my personal power.

When we work against the present moment, thought or feeling, we empower it. There’s no way to fight reality and win— not in our heads. Fighting reality is a sure fire way toward making ourselves even more miserable.

So now, I remind myself to work with and befriend uncomfortable thoughts, feelings and moments. Accepting what I am powerless to change brings peace and comfort; especially after I have admitted I am powerless and have surrendered it to my Higher Power.

Acceptance and surrender make the moment, thought or feeling bearable, and eventually return me to having power over the moment, thought or feeling— even if I hate them. This is especially true when I have OCD flare-ups which are unexplainable, totally irrational but seemingly all powerful.

Well nothing is more powerful than God, or my Higher Power. And, truthfully, nothing is more irrational than fighting a reality that we are powerless to change, short of accepting it.

Accept the painful moments you can’t change and surrender them to your Higher Power. Peace will come to you.


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