Your Truth Is a Love-Filled Miracle— Live It!

Recovery is a miracle. And it begins to happen when we shift our thinking from fear to love. It begins when we are able to move past our fears of not being “good enough” and begin the process of accepting, liking and loving ourselves just as we are— which IS “good enough.”

In the film “When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story,” we see Bill W. finally hit bottom, experience the grace of God, and begin his conversion to sobriety from alcohol. At the beginning of that journey, he realized that he felt better and stronger in his recovery when he spent time talking about his addiction and his redemption with others. The more he talked and released all of the emotional poison inside his system, the longer he stayed sober.

I directed my Addictive Personality retreat this weekend, and I witnessed first hand, in a glorious way, how this process.of opening up and being vulnerable leads to healthy recovery. People who were holding on to family secrets, let go of them by sharing them with the group. The Holy Spirit was so alive in the room during this retreat, that my direction of it was nearly effortless. I flowed with the Spirit in the room and allowed the Spirit to guide the conversation as people, one by one, opened up and shared their long hidden truths.

Recovery requires vulnerability. It requires being vulnerable and truthful with yourself, your Higher Power and with others. We need to spit out all of the old poison of family secrets and speak our personal truth. We need to own our truth and we are all worth it. Everyone counts.

Recovery support groups give us all a safe place to speak our truth and to own our personal power. I know the more I own my truth, with no outside approval needed, the stronger, healthier and more empowered I become. And you can, too! I’ve shifted from fear to love, and it is producing miracles.


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