Welcome New Life by Laying Your Inner-Critic to Rest

I am on my first visit to Rome as I take on new responsibilities in my ministry. This week I have been a part of a culture that is new to me and have met many wonderful people from many different cultures. I have also had to deal with that nasty little voice in my head that we call the inner-critic. Initially, that voice had the upper hand, but now, by the grace of my Higher Power, I have the upper hand.

It’s so important that we first have awareness of that nasty little voice in our heads. Awareness means that we are able to separate ourselves from that voice. The inner-critic is not who we are. It is a voice separate from our true selves. And that negative voice only has as much power as we are willing to give it.

This week, I’ve fallen into the hole of giving my power away to that nasty voice, but I’ve also climbed out of that hole, with God’s help, and have made a burial grounds out of it— a burial grounds for my inner-critic.

I want to put that nasty little voice to rest— forever! God is breathing new hope, new vision and new life into me, and I choose to breathe-out all of my self-criticism. I want to be free to live this new life to the fullest, and so I surrender what I have often been powerless over (my inner-critic) to my Higher Power and rejoice in tasting new found freedom. It may not last, and that’s ok. It will take time to fully silence and bury that old inner-critic, but every step forward ensures my eventual freedom from negative self-talk.


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