It’s My Life— Don’t Forget It!

One thing codependents need to learn to say is “It’s my life. Don’t you forget it!” Too often we have given our personal power to be our true selves away to others. We may still be whomever mom or dad wants us to be, or whomever friends want us to be, etc.

Our Higher Power brought us into this world and it is our God-given right to be the very persons God created us to be. That means we wear the clothes that we want to wear; we have our hair cut the way we like it; we read the books or watch the TV shows or movies we want to watch; we eat the foods and indulge in the hobbies that we like, etc.

We are all called to be ourselves. If someone doesn’t like our choices or like who we truly are, we don’t have to care and we certainly don’t have to change for them to gain their approval. If they don’t like us just the way we are, they will never be able to love us. So we really don’t need them in our lives.

Learn to set the boundary “It’s my life. I choose to be who I am. Please respect that fact and don’t you forget it.” This boundary will show you who truly loves you and who truly doesn’t. It’s better to let go of those people who don’t truly love us and to cherish those people who really do love us.


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