No Other Person Can Be Your Answered Prayer


The truth about codependency is this: Every active codependent lives by the one false and highly flawed belief, that another person can be his/her Higher Power. I spent much of my life desperately searching for the person who was going to be my answered prayer. That person was going to sweep me off my feet, rescue me from my miserable self, and love me so intensely that I would eventually learn to love the person I loathed most in this world: Me.

Recovery is a difficult lesson for every codependent. It teaches us that no person can be our true Higher Power. It teaches us that no one is responsible for making us happy or loving us into loving ourselves. And it teaches us that no one person can be our “answered prayer,” aside from ourselves.

Even years into recovery, we can have those days when we wish someone would say to us “I love, I love, I love you; I need, I need, I need you; let me be your answered prayer,” but deep down what we’re really experiencing is a cry for self-care. We are probably also being prompted by our true Higher Power to be less self-reliant. We need to take time for ourselves, both spiritual and playful.

My favorite lyrics to ABC’s “Answered Prayer” is “Every problem has solutions, look inside your heart, see what you might find. You can draw your own conclusions. There’s summer in your soul, winter in your mind.”

I know my life is good. It’s filled with blessings. Yes, there’s summer in my soul. But the real problem is that I’ve filled my mind with winter once more. I’m not in a quandary where I need a person to rescue me like an answered prayer. It’s really all about the fact that I need to rescue myself, with the help of God, from my old wintery, negative thinking habits.

If you’re feeling codependently needy for another person to appear and rescue you from yourself like an old answered prayer, turn inside your heart and see the ways in which you are not meeting your own needs, or not allowing your Higher Power to help you. Be grateful for the summer in your soul as you work to rid your head of the winter in your mind— and regain your happy balance.


  1. I just love reading these....they help me so much. Thank you!

    1. You’re welcomed. Thanks for reading them and helping yourself.


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