Stop Struggling and Allow Yourself to Flow!

Everything in the universe has a natural flow. We are part of that flow. Like every other element or living thing within the universe, we have our intended place and purpose. So then why is it that we humans spend more time struggling with life than we do flowing with it?

We often choose to make our day, and life, a struggle. It doesn’t have to be. We can take conscious, positive control of our day and we can ask our Higher Power to govern our subconscious input each day.

Each morning, pray to your Higher Power and ask for the guidance to flow with the universe. Pray that God keep you naturally within your place and focused on your purpose for each given day. Let go, stop struggling and allow yourself to flow.

In doing so, you may find yourself more frustrated than usual at first. Why? Because you will still be hell-bent on having things your way. That stubborn little need to control the uncontrollable will still be present. Let’s call it withdrawal. So you might find yourself screaming and kicking before you are able to fully let go and enjoy the flow.

Once you get into the flow, however, you will be grateful. Express that gratitude to yourself and God. Then spread the good word and allow your soul to shine!


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