Surrender Your Super-Savior Cape to God

Who are you responsible for rescuing in this life? NO ONE except yourself. Unless you are a firefighter, a police officer, an emergency medical worker or a hazmat worker, you are not responsible—or capable—of rescuing anyone from any tragedy or life-threatening situation.

So get over the fact that you are not a superhero. God never made you responsible for saving everyone in your little world. Somehow, some way you made yourself into the savior of the world. And you can relinquish the title at any time to its rightful owner: God.

Any compulsion you have to rescue your significant other, your children, siblings, parents, friends, coworkers—or anyone—from themselves or their problems is a misguided illusion. Surrender them all to God and allow God to do for them what you have absolutely no ability to do—rescue them.

Listen to them, validate their feelings and help them to feel loved, but don’t dawn your superhero cape. Don’t make their problems your problems. Don’t bail them out. They are every bit as responsible for suffering through and solving their own problems as you are for suffering through and solving your own problems. Allow them to do so. In the long run, if you don’t get in God’s way, everything will work out for the best.

So give God back his cape, allow God to be the superhero and allow your soul to shine, free from worry about all those people and things you have absolutely no power over.


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