Ashes Are Just Ashes If They Remain Only on the Forehead

Today is Ash Wednesday, and I have been asked “Where are your ashes?” To which I replied “I am wearing them inside—within my empty spaces—where they will hopefully bring spiritual healing; and where they will eventually bring more good to the world than a one day public display on the forehead that is largely forgotten by the next day.” 
If you practice Lent, allow it to be a genuine-internal-spiritual tour de force that propels you to love and bless the world with great goodness from within you. Do not allow it to simply be a hollow-external-ashen show of shows to garner public approval from outside of you. Public approval is for the religious. Choose to be spiritual, instead, and you will learn that Love is more valuable than any form of public approval.


  1. Thank you for this important reminder of what Lent is really about. This message is supported daily at the wonderful Church, Our Lady of the Desert.


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