Allow Your Feelings to Simply Be; Then Feel Your Way to True Human Authenticity

Sometimes it’s just necessary to be sad. I can’t speak to the rest of the world, but in the United States, we don’t like to be sad. We’d rather be medicated on prescription or illegal drugs, or with alcohol or sugar, or sex, or with ANYTHING that will keep us from facing the discomfort of sadness.

Today I feel very sad, but I am resisting the temptation to fight it. I don’t want to chocolate my way, or shop my way to feelings of happiness. Nor do I want to kick the sadness into orbit by using a “keep the stiff upper lip” mentality, or by using a “look on the brightside” pep talk on myself. Some days there is no brightside. Some days you just need to feel the clouds, acknowledge them and experience them.

I am experiencing dense soul-clouds. I can’t see them, but I can feel them. They are filled with tears that tug my heart downward, but that never reach my eyes. And that’s OK. I can’t truly control them and I no longer want to. I just want to feel the sadness. It could be about many things. Maybe there’s an inner-funeral  taking place about the old false me that is dying. That false mother-made “me” that wasted so much of it’s life hating its true self and investing daily in a false fear-filled ride through life. I certainly mourn the loss of my youth to the “you have to be someone other than who you are” lies I believed.

Or maybe it’s the human longing for warmth that I am mourning. The need to feel the inner-warmth of someone’s soul radiating through the touch of their skin against mine. Something I haven’t experienced in a long, long time. And something that I haven’t truly allowed myself to experience free from fear and self-conscious vanity; free of the need to control the experience instead of allowing it to play-out naturally in the nakedness of honest love.

Or maybe it’s because I am still the little boy who never knew how to connect with his father. Who never knew this man inside-out. Who never understood him and who never knew if he was valued or loved by him.

Or maybe it’s because I feel so alone in a world full of people who don’t know how to honestly connect with themselves, much less with me or others. So all of my/our connections seem artificial-superficial; filled with hollow “how are you(s)” and trite meaningless connectors like “what beautiful weather we’re having.” All meaningless words that roll off our breath like carbon monoxide. They simply further pollute our souls, which have become cold wastelands of emptiness and unresolved emotional debris.

I don’t know. I don’t know what this sadness is about, but I know I have to feel it. If you are feeling sad today, allow yourself to feel it. Whatever you are feeling today, allow yourself to fully feel it. Your heart will dance through dozens of inner-emotions today. Dance with them. They’ll take the lead. All you have to do is follow and allow them to lead you into inner-healing. Dance away. Dance away toward emotional authenticity. Sooner or later the sun will shine again within our souls. We just have to experience the clouds and allow them to pass—naturally.


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