Make a Promise to Your Soul and Experience the Miracle

 “Take this moment. Make it still. Stay forever by my side.
Make a promise to your soul. Leave me never.”
Afterlife, Miracle

We all need to make promises to our souls—promises we are willing to pursue. But before we can make a soulful promise to never leave another, we have to make a soulful promise to ourselves. We need to promise to never again abandon ourselves—in any way. Once that promise is made we need to include the additional promise to always love who we are. Once we bring these promises to fruition, we can think about making the most breath-taking soulful promise of our lives: To work at being vulnerable before others.

It takes great courage to love who you are enough to be totally vulnerable and real before other people. But once we are able to be vulnerable before others, our naked sincerity will invite others to be vulnerable before us. This is how we soul-connect with the right people in life. And this is how we discover our soul mates.

No one meets their true soul-mate through being emotionally unavailable. For that matter, no one makes authentic friendships through being emotionally unavailable. You have to honestly make yourself part of the mix. People have to know the real you to like you and vice-versa. Otherwise you simply make “friends,” and I’m using that term loosely, based in your common pathologies. This is why the average non-recovering alcoholic has many drinking buddies, but no real friends. Take away the booze and the “friendship” is over. There is no person to person bonding in these sad versions of relationships-- only person to bottle bonding.

So if you want to experience a real Miracle, experience the miracle of getting comfortable with yourself—comfortable enough to share your complete inner-world with the outer-world. Take a deep breath that is honest and true, and free yourself from the fear of rejection. No one who is of any true value to your life is going to reject you. If people you thought were of value to your life do reject you, then you will know that you were mistaken in your judgment of their actual value to you. Obviously, they were not of value and it’s good for you to move forward, leaving them and their baggage behind.

As you move forward being true to your soul, you will attract those whose souls are in sync with yours. You will discover a new freedom and a new joy that you never dreamed could be possible. And you just may discover that person to whom you can make the eternal soulful promise to forever stay by their side, as they make the same authentic soulful promise to you. If this does happen, then you will know within your heart that miracles do indeed happen in the simplicity of being vulnerable—of being authentically who you are.

(Afterlife is a British Electronica band. The song "Miracle" is from their 2004 album Speck of Gold.)


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