It's Not Too Late to Party Like It's 1999!

“Party like it’s 1999.” I remember when Prince released his 1999 album back in the early 1980s. And I remember thinking that 1999 was unfathomable—that it was light-years away. No one could think that far into the future. In the naivety of my youth, it didn’t occur to me that 1999 could be a symbol of the end, and that the song could mean you better get with it, live and party to the fullest because now is all you have. There is no tomorrow.

What if now is all we have? What if the Mayan calendar is right on the money? What if December 23, 2012 is the end? Maybe we better start partying like it’s 1999—again. Let me make it clear that I don’t believe in the Mayan calendar predictions. But I do believe in waking up from our self-imposed waking sleep. We walk through most every day Wide-Awake-Asleep. And it’s time a lightning bolt shot through our systems. If we suppose that December 23rd is the END, are we going to go out with a whimper, like listless zombies, or are we going to go out with a Big Bang, like thriving people?

Ask yourself these questions: If I knew for fact that the world was going to end in 10 months, would I be doing what I’m doing now? Or would I shake myself awake from my self-imposed slumber? Would I want to spend my very last days in the job I’m currently in, or would I want to go for the career choice I’ve always really wanted? Would I be willing to drop all of my inhibitions and overcome all of my fears of failure so I could go out of this world with a big bang of pride and joy, or would I simply continue to play it safe, toe the line and be lifelessly numb?

Would I be satisfied to leave this world engrossed in my current relationships? Or would I say “Hi de ho, I’m out of here. Lead me universe to the love of my life!” Would I shake the dust of the past, of guilt and shame, from my feet and move forward feeling free to conquer my every self-doubt, or would I cower under the weight of my perceived failures and my inability to admit that I am indeed good enough to party like it’s 1999?

As for myself, more and more I feel stuck. I’m no longer sure that I’m in the right place. I feel like I’m toeing the line of safety and security instead of being true to myself. I feel bored and I no longer believe many of the things that led me down the path I’ve been on for the past 20 years. Can you relate? Are you feeling uncomfortable, like you are living with some sort of personal disconnect? Like you have far too long been satisfied being a zombie?

We know inherently when we are not being true to ourselves. We feel the disconnect between reality and denial. If you are starting to wake-up, then maybe it’s time to think about making changes in your life. What are your heart’s deepest desires? Are you willing to go to your grave never having experienced them? Are you willing to continue cheating yourself of all life wants to offer you? If not, then maybe you need to get into gear and party like it’s 1999—or December 23, 2012—before it’s too late.


  1. I was tempted to begin this comment with, "I must be the lucky one. I've never been bored a day in my life." The fact is, I do not believe in luck... never have, never will. Through 60+ years, my personal credo has evolved significantly, but in the last three years, I am comfortable that I do know the purpose of my life (and the purpose of everyone else's life): to align my will with the will of God. I know I fail miserably at times, but I keep trying. I believe the best guidelines for aligning my will with the will of God is contained in St. Francis's prayer, "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace..." Frankly, I think the Mayan calendar ends on December 23, 2012 because they ran out of ink. As far as Prince goes... I'll take Neil Diamond's advice from his ode to Jonathan Livingston Seagull, "Be as a page that aches for a word that speaks on a theme that is timeless, and the one God will make for your day. Sing, as a song in search of a voice that is silent, and the sun God will make for your way."


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