First and Foremost, Be Your Own Valentine!

It’s Valentine’s Day and I’ve bought myself a bouquet of red roses. Why? Because nobody else is going to do it. And because I have to love myself enough to even care enough to do it. If I don’t care enough about me to gift myself with flowers, why should I even hope that someone else would do so, or mope around because no one has done so. If you’re not getting the love you want or expect, it’s because you are not giving yourself the proper love and respect that is essential to projecting a healthy image of yourself to the world around you.

What you give to yourself, you essentially give to the world—and the world gives back to you. If I treat myself with kindness, I will treat others with kindness and others will return the kindness to me. If I treat myself with hostility, I will treat others with hostility and those same others will return hostility to me. In the same way, if I treat myself as unlovable, I will project my belief that I am unlovable to the world around me. And people who are part of that world around me, will sense and realize that I believe I am unlovable. They will then believe the same about me and treat me like I am unlovable. Ultimately, you always receive from others exactly what you are willing to give to yourself. If you don’t believe you are worthy of flowers on Valentine’s Day, you will most likely never receive flowers on this day.

Sure, there will always be those who sense that we feel unlovable, who will have sympathy for us and who will also offer us support. But because we feel so unlovable, we won’t know how to accept that support and we will most likely find ways to reject it. They may give us a rose out of compassion or a Valentine out of sincere concern, but it will never be what we wanted or from whom we wanted to receive it. We won’t be pleased and we will project this to the person who has offered us compassion. In the process, we will also send that person packing with our ingratitude.

If you are sitting around today anxious and hoping for flowers, or a Valentine or some other sign of affection from a certain someone, stop wasting your time. Instead make the effort to express some love to yourself. Buy yourself the card you’d really like to have, or the bouquet of flowers that really makes your heart dance. Project self-love to the world around you and acknowledge the lovability in everyone you meet today. They will accept your gift and gift it back to you—and the world will truly revolve on the power of love this Valentine’s Day.


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