Allow Higher Love to Lead the Way

Why am I afraid to practice Into-Me-See? Well, first off, I have some fears about what I will find when I delve inside myself. But my greatest fears around living “Into-Me-See” have to do with opening up to others. Primarily, my fear is that people won’t like what they see inside of me. I fear that they won’t like the real me and that they will reject and abandon me. This is especially true when it comes to family members, friends and love interests.

My fear of rejection makes me desperate to control others. I want to control how they respond to me, and I’ve become accustomed to bending myself to be whomever others want me to be. I’ve learned that I can manipulate them by refusing to be vulnerable; by refusing to allow them to see inside to the real me. It’s of ultimate importance to me to be accepted, even if it means that I have to compromise myself; even if it means that I continue to engage in relationships with people who are toxic for me; and even if it guarantees that I will never be happy.

REALITY CHECK: Does this make sense? It only makes sense in the most warped and dysfunctional definition of the word “sense.” In other words, it is NON-SENSE!

Let’s look at things this way: Sure, everyone has a fear of being vulnerable. We all fear exposing ourselves to the rest of the world. We fear rejection and abandonment. But wouldn’t it be better to be immediately rejected by the people who don’t really matter in our lives? Wouldn’t it be better to root these people out of our lives as soon as possible, instead of spending months or years trying to get approval from people who will never truly love us? And wouldn’t it be MUCH BETTER to attract the people who will truly love us by opening-up and allowing what we have to attract them ASAP? YES!!!

God has a Universal plan that unfolds each and every day. We are part of that plan. That plan includes people who are meant to be important to our lives, people who will always be there for the REAL US. But they will never know the real us if we hide our true selves from them. We need to realize right here and now that we CANNOT control the Universal plan that God has for our lives. We cannot manipulate it to make it better. It’s already perfect. We just need to get out of the way. We need to stop messing-up all of the goodness God has planned for our lives. We need to let go and trust in a Higher Love.

God is the Higher Love who has created us just the way we are, perfectly imperfect. We have the stamp of approval from the one and only Higher Love. We just need to give ourselves our own stamp of approval. Once we are able to approve of ourselves, we will be willing to open up and allow others to see inside of us. We will handle rejection with ease, knowing that those who reject us have their own issues and are most likely toxic for us-- So good riddance! And we will handle acceptance with rapturous joy!

By allowing ourselves to be openly-honest, we will attract the right people who will compliment us and make our lives complete. Sure, there will still be misunderstandings and difficulties, but we will be able to work them out because the love we receive from our Higher Power, that all encompassing Higher Love, will transform us to see beyond the behavior of others. We will learn to love them for who they are INSIDE. We will love them for being the person we love to see into, and for all of the beauty we find inside of them. It will more than off-set any bad behavior that surfaces from time to time.

The choice is ours: We can choose to be closed-up and controlling; living at the mercy of others. Or we can choose to trust in a Higher Love that will guide us in the right ways once we choose to accept and reveal ourselves to the world. Let’s choose to open up the door of our heart-petals and allow Higher Love and others to lead us toward truly love-filled and joy-filled lives.


  1. Whenever a feeling runs through my mind that someone won't like me, I always remember the exchange between Roark [Gary Cooper] and Toohey [Robert Douglas] in the 1949 film "The Fountainhead" that a mentor once directed me to watch. "I don't think about you anymore."


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