Are You Building Your Future on Positive or Negative Thoughts?

This quote from Bryant McGill is brilliant. And so true. Our future begins with our next thought— and every thought that follows shapes our day.

So the choice is ours: We can choose to think positive thoughts, to trust and have faith that our Higher Power will helps us work through difficulties, or we can choose to default into fear and self-defeating thoughts that become worries. We can choose to think grateful thoughts for all of the good in our lives, or we can choose to think negative thoughts about what’s absent from our lives.

Essentially, we can allow our thoughts to control our day by defaulting into negative thinking, or we can take our personal power back by choosing to be positive even when life seems to be working against us. As long as we choose negative thoughts, life WILL be working against us with our assistance. But if we choose to engage in positive thoughts we begin to change the flow of life toward the beauty and goodness that God has planned for us.

The choice is ours.


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