You Are So Beautiful!

Most every addict is preoccupied with the voice of the inner-critic inside their heads. When we look in a mirror, we see only what the inner-critic has told us about ourselves. When we pray, we ask our Higher Power to remove all of our imperfections, to make us better people inside and to make up more lovable on the outside as well.

Well, it’s about time we flushed the inner-critic out of our heads and started asking our Higher Power to show us the truth about ourselves— how beautiful we really are. Each one of us needs to see the beauty we possess; the beauty that’s been buried under years of self-criticism and hatred.

I’ve spent much of my life hating the person looking back at me in the mirror, and being envious of others who seemed to have their lives together and seemed to be smarter and better looking. According to Robert Holden, in his book “Be Happy,” envy is a wake up call. It’s actually saying to us “when are you going to wake up and see how beautiful you are?”

Everything God has created is beautiful, including you and me. We need to stop focusing on our imperfections and start focusing on all that is beautiful about us. Let’s start today!


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