I’m Tired of Drama. How About You?

I’m tired of drama, but in a good way. Im so tired of chaos and drama that I am no longer creating it for myself, nor am I emotionally participating in anyone else’s self-made dramas. When drama comes knocking I no longer open the door, and if someone brings me their newest drama, I tell them I have a new boundary: I no longer participate in mind games that produce chaos and drama.

I’m learning— finally— to live in the moment and not in my head. I’ve learned my lesson: Living in my head is the same as living in Wonderland, except it’s not as pleasant. Only in my head can I create chaos and drama for myself.

This past weekend, I directed a new retreat I entitled “Prodigal Love.” The retreat went very well because I allowed my Higher a Power to guide me through directing it. The participants were very talkative and everyone participated fully. I stayed in the present moment and LISTENED to them, instead of wandering around in my head worrying about what negative thoughts they might be having about the retreat. Staying in the present moment made the entire weekend delightful.

Yesterday I went to the Tucson Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Leonard Bernstein’s third symphony “Kaddish.” There was a talk beforehand between Conductor Jose Luis Gomez and Bernstein’s daughter, Jamie, who narrated the symphony. I stayed in the present moment, enjoyed their talk, and was even able to retell much of the talk to the lady in the seat next to me, who had missed it. I also enjoyed the very powerful symphony, which I had never heard before— because I was PRESENT for it.

Staying in the present moment is a great gift that every addict needs to give him or herself. It truly is better than living in the suppposedly safe spaces of your head. Those spaces are not safe when we live there most of the day, every day. They become toxic waste dumps that produce fear, worry, drama and chaos.

I refuse to live in my head any longer. The joy of life is in the NOW, the present moment. No more self-made chaos or drama for me!


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