Learn to Focus Your Attention on the Positives in Life

If we truly want to be free of the negative thoughts that make us miserable, we have to stop giving our power away to them. The same is true about anything we choose to focus on, whether it be other people’s lives and problems, our own character defects, or all of the expectations that have dominated our brains, causing misery when they weren’t fulfilled.

What we believe about ourselves, we become. And what we choose to focus on grows. When we focus on negative thoughts, past disappointments or unfulfilled expectations, they grow bigger and bigger. And it doesn’t take long for them to emotionally consume us into a swamp of negativity that is as dangerous as quicksand.

If we don’t like the way someone else behaves, we can realize that we aren’t responsible for their lives, and we can choose to take our attention off of them and focus on the positives in our lives. Or, better yet, we can focus on the things we need to change about ourselves to make our own lives better, happier and more fulfilling.

Once again, the choice is ours. We can give all of our direct attention to negative thoughts, people, problems and expectations; or we can choose to surrender all our inner-negativity and everyone else’s issues to our Higher Power and focus on everything that is life-giving to us.

We have the power. We are not victims unless we choose to be.


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