Take Your Personal Power Back from Troubling Thoughts!

Right on! There is nothing more troublesome than the thoughts that rumble around inside our heads; especially the negative, crtitical ones that we continually beat ourselves up with day after day.

Most every addict I know lives in the wasteland of their negative thoughts. We allow our brains to trap us  inside a self-imposed prison. Well, it’s time to break free.

I’ve realized that thoughts are JUST thoughts. They pop into my head and sometimes they exit as fast as they entered; other times, I grab hold of them and mentally abuse myself. But the truth is no one knows where our thoughts come from and no one knows where they go. They’re sort of like the ticker tape that runs at the bottom of your TV screen when you’re watching CNN, or some other news channel: Words magically appear on the left side of your TV screen and magically disappear on the right side.

The words running across the TV screen have no more power than we choose to give them, and it’s the same way with our thoughts. In reality, thoughts have no power in and of themselves. The only power they come to possess is the power we CHOOSE to give them.

I’m learning to own my positive thoughts and starve my negative thoughts. I do not have to own any negative thought that pops into my head, and I willfully choose to let them go, leave my head and go to thought-hell, wherever that may be.

If you are plagued by negative thinking, choose to take your power back. You don’t have to own or nurture any negative thoughts. Surrender them to your Higher Power and ask for help in releasing them into the graveyard of negative thoughts. Disown your negative thoughts and free yourself to focus on positive thoughts— and all that is good in your life!


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