Stop Living Your Life to Please Others

I’m giving a series of talks at a church in the Phoenix, Arizona, area this week. The theme of the talks is “Feed Your Faith, Not Your Fear.” Last Sunday I spoke at all of the services to promote my series of talks this week. I overwhelmingly received positive feedback from the people in the pews— with the exception of one curmudgeon.

He walked up to me outside the church, verbally insulted me, and then threw his ugly theology into my face. I was gracious and told him that I was willing to agree to disagree with him, but that his personal attacks weren’t going to change what I know is right in my heart and conscience. He walked away grumbling.

I had already planned to go to the nearby Arizona Renaissance Festival that afternoon because I had free time before the evening service. And as I drove to the Festival, I left that man and his arrogant negativity behind. It was a first for me. Once I arrived at the Festival, I never once thought about that man or his abusive behavior. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, fully free of his negativity.

This was a first for me. In the past, 500 people could compliment me and if just one person was disagreeable or ugly with me, I’d ruminate on it for the rest of my day. The 500 compliments went down the drain and all of my thoughts were focused on the fact that I didn’t please one negative person. Can you relate?

It’s called giving our power away to others and wanting to live our lives for the sole purpose of pleasing others. Well, that road of foolish thinking has hit a dead end for me. For the first time in my life, my happiness was not dependent on everyone liking or agreeing with me. I was the positive person, he was the negative person. Why would I even want to try and please someone like that, or gain their approval? In the past I felt worthless if I didn’t. Now, I known my true worth resides inside of me. I only need my own approval and God’s and I have both now!

I finally feel FREE! And it’s a great feeling. And Sunday was a great day, despite the curmudgeon! Thank be to my Higher Power!


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