If We Are at War with Ourselves, It’s Time to Call a Truce

Most every addict can agree with the above quote. The vast majority of our battles are inside our heads. Even real life battles often start off in our heads. We then project them onto the people around us and create a drama that wouldn’t have existed at all if we weren’t constantly at war with ourselves.

I am constantly feeling ill-at-ease with myself. I look in the mirror and see a fat man with chicken legs. Only I see it. I know in reality I’m not fat, but when I look in the mirror I see the battle that I have constantly waged against myself. I don’t see what other people see when they look at me.

The good news is that most of this self-deprivation is only in my subconscious mind today. It’s dismissed by my conscious mind. That’s a step in the right direction. But I still have to face the uncomfortable feelings that arise from subconscious thoughts.

My goal is to reach the day when both my conscious mind and subconscious mind are equally on my side. I know it’s going to take time, but I believe we can reach that place where we are at peace with ourselves, and we can do it before we breathe our last breath.

If your life seems to be filled with battles and chaos, ask yourself honestly “Am I creating this chaos by simply being at war with myself?” Then take the time to reflect and be aware of your self-talk when drama and chaos start to surface in your day.

Awareness of the battle brewing within ourselves tells us a great deal about any battles that may be starting to percolate outside of us, in REAL life. If we don’t want drama in the real world, maybe we need to stop creating it in our heads; maybe we need to stop being at war with ourselves.


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