We Are All Works In Progress. Be Patient and Kind.

Every single one of us is “currently under construction.” In many ways we are like ancient buildings that took centuries to construct: Each day we are in the process of becoming complete, but we are still under construction. And we won’t truly be complete until we breathe our last breath in this life.

It’s easier to be patient with ourselves— as well as being kinder— if we realize and acknowledge that we are continually works in progress. So many of us demand complete perfection of ourselves as if we were created complete and whole at birth. We were NOT! Becoming complete is a lifetime growth process, and becoming perfect is a twisted fantasy. We will never be perfect. No one ever will be. The sooner we accept this fact, the sooner we gain serenity because realizing perfection is impossible allows us to finally grow comfortable in our skin.

Instead of counting flaws today, how about we count the ways we have grown in recovery? Recently I’ve had to learn to stand up to bullies. I’ve been forced to do so both face to face with bullies, and through digital communications. I stood up to those who bullied me after the talk I gave recently, took my personal power back and then extended an olive branch to them, suggesting we agree to disagree and be respectful toward each other.

Last week I had to stand up to someone who bullied (and libeled) me on their blog. Part of me, the old codependent fearfilled part, didn’t want to confront the person. But the newly recovering part of me said “Your honor has been smudged. You must stand up for yourself. You are worth it.” So I did. I contacted the person, defended my honor and demanded I be treated with proper respect.

In response this person not only removed from their blog what they had written about me, but shutdown their blog altogether. I felt vindicated and empowered. All because I can now stand up for myself, speak my truth and honor the person God created me to be. I will never be anyone’s door mat again. I am equally as good as anyone in this world— and so ARE YOU!

We just have to remember we are works in progress, always under construction, but always moving forward through the power of Recovery and our Higher Power. So let’s be kind and patient with ourselves as we grow.


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