Stop the Self-Torture!

All of my life I have projected my negative, abusive thoughts about myself onto others. I’ve long been plagued by a fear of being myself because I assumed that everyone saw me the same way I saw myself: Unlovable in every way. I thought I was a mistake who had no right to even exist. And everyone I saw, saw me in the same way. They all knew my shame, my worthlessness.

Is there anyone who’s meaner, or more abusive, to you than you are? If you suffer from addictive behaviors, then the answer is obvious: No. There is no one whose nastier to you than you are. I relate.

The question we need to ask ourselves now, is “Why?” Why are we so ugly to ourselves when we don’t have to be. Maybe it’s habitual for us. We’re so use to beating ourselves up that the self-abuse plays constantly through our subconscious minds. But it doesn’t have to remain habitual. Self-abuse is a choice. We can choose to accept ourselves just as we are, or we can choose to continue torturing ourselves.

I have made the choice here and now to stop the self-abuse. I want to see myself as uniquely awesome. I am making that choice. Yes, I still have to face the nasty inner-critic inside of me who’s used to being in control. But I’m determined to render him powerless eventually. It will be a process, like recovery. But I can do it.

Together with my Higher Power and with the help of others, I have the ability to fully take power back over my thoughts, feelings and life. So do you. Let’s do it! No more negative assumptions, no more self-torture. Happiness is in the palm of our hands. Let’s own it!


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