Prayer for Self-Intimacy

Lord, You know I have spent many years running from myself. Since childhood I have been uncomfortable with me. I spend time alone-- and I am truly alone because I have yet to befriend myself in any loving way.
I need to know how to be intimate with myself in honest, loving and fulfilling ways. Please help me, Lord, to sit with and become comfortable with myself.
Help me to understand the many ways in which I have chosen to alienate me from myself. And help me to heal all of the wounded spaces inside of me that are so tired of being mistreated by me.
Help me to root through the lies that I have believed about myself so that I may discover the true beauty of who I am, which has been buried under those lies.
Then help me to replace my self-criticism with words of kindness, gentleness and loving encouragement. Help me also to treat myself in loving ways that nurture me and bring my true beauty to the surface for all people-- and especially me-- to see.
This is my prayer, Lord: To build a healthy, loving relationship with me. Amen


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