Today’s Prayer: Higher Love, Please Give My Heart-Petals Wings!

Higher Power, I very much want to open up my heart-petals. But all of my life I have feared rejection. It’s devastating to have someone walk out of my life and abandon me.

Being vulnerable before others means that I must face my fears of rejection and loss. It also means that I must let go of my need for approval from others.

Throughout my life, I have relied heavily on the approval of others to make me feel OK about myself. For the most part, I have felt good about me when others gave me their approval, and I have loathed myself when others disapproved of me.

Please help me, Higher Love, to gain my self-worth through your approval alone. And help me to be satisfied with the approval I provide for myself through cultivating my self-love.

Believing that I need no one’s approval to be a worthwhile person will help me to be more open and vulnerable before the people who really matter in my life. It will give my heart-petals wings to open and to embrace true intimacy as I allow others to authentically see-into-me.  Amen.


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