Are You Chasing Life or Death? Think About It

Once we enter this world, it seems we’re always chasing death. From the time we breathe our first breath, we begin the aging process; which initially works for us, but then eventually (sometime after 18 years old) begins to work against us until we breathe our last breath. In addition to the aging process, we are faced with fate, chance, accidents, self-care and genetics: All of which can either prolong or shorten our time in the physical world.

Truth is no one knows how much time they have on this earth. And yet, we all tend to act like we have forever. I don’t know of anyone who wakes up each morning thinking this could be their last day. We always assume we have tomorrow-- and the next day and the day after that. Everyone who died in a traffic accident today, or who had a fatal heart-attack, or who was in the wrong place at the wrong time during a random shooting expected to live to see tomorrow. But they didn’t. Without knowing it, they rolled their dice and came up snake eyes.

And which of us will wake up tomorrow morning not knowing that we won’t see the sun set as evening approaches, or that we will never see the stars at night again? It’s a pretty scary thought. And we need to think about it. We need to decide what’s really important to us in this life and we need to begin putting all of our energy into what’s really important to us.

Everyday humans waste their personal energy. We drain ourselves through negativity and laziness when we could be generating enough positive energy to light up the entire universe with love. If we find ourselves procrastinating, we’re stuck in a state of resistance. There’s always a reason why we are resisting something or someone. Resistance fools us into believing we can deal with this or that, him or her, tomorrow. But there may be no tomorrow.

Let’s get our houses in order. Let’s focus on ourselves, take our own inventories and decide what we need to do in order to be at peace with ourselves and with everyone else who is essential to our lives. If we need to start eating better and exercising more, let's do it. If we need to see Europe, let's do it. If we need to make a commitment to someone in a relationship, let's do it. If we need to say "I'm sorry" and mend fences, let's do it. Or if we need to keep a promise, let's do it. There’s no time like the present—because it’s the only time we do have to get things right.

Start chasing life in this very moment. Get all of those things off your bucket list, decide if time spent making money is more important to you than time spent with the people you profess to love most. Ask God for guidance, allow yourself to be open to your deepest feelings. Cry, laugh, embrace, hug, love and allow your soul to shine before the sun can set on your day!


  1. Father Charlie,

    This could be your greatest hit. Life is Grand! Some people live to die; others die to live.


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