What You Cannot Change + Acceptance = Peace

We probably learn our greatest lessons about being powerless in life and death issues. My father dies Monday night before I could get back home. That's not what I wanted to have happen-- but I'm powerless over it. I can't change the fact that I will never see him alive again, or that I didn't get to say certain things that I needed to say-- even if it was only through my presence. 

I have reached a new level in awareness of the folly we call "control." This morning I was on my way to Panera Bread for a cinnamon scone. I was stopped at a red light in a left turn lane (turn on green arrow only) when I noticed the guy next to me inching up impatiently. He kept inching and inching and inching as he attempted to trip the light. I thought it was bizarre. Why are we so desperate to control? The light will change when it changes. Still, this man kept inching and inching till he had practically inched his way into the middle of the intersection. Now I know what insanity looks like.

He was crazy to change what he could not change and I was at peace accepting reality. This is what well-being is all about: accepting what you cannot change.


  1. Dear Fr. Charlie,
    Jennie told us that your father died. We just wanted to express our sorrow and sympathy to you at this time. Both of my (MM's) parents have died (Mom in 2001, and Dad in 2002) and I know what you mean about feeling like an "orphan!" Just try to remember that your parents, and other loved ones who have died, are still very close to you in spirit. Continue to talk with them whenever you feel like it, especially in times of prayer.
    You will be in our thoughts and prayers especially at this difficult time in your life.
    ~~ Mary Margaret and Jim Cole


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