Love Yourself and Love of God and Neighbor Will Come Almost Effortlessly

[Soulshine meditations will be sporadic for the next few weeks because I am giving a series of talks called “Love Does No Harm” in Phoenix, Sierra Vista and Green Valley. I will try to write as I am able to gain internet access.]

Love of neighbor is the fulfillment of all moral laws (Romans Chapter 13). This is true. But love of neighbor (and of God) is only possible when we first have love of self. If we do not love the reflection of the image and likeness of God that we see in the mirror, we will not be able to love the God who created that image, or the neighbor who reflects a different, yet similar, image and likeness of God. 

All three (love of God, neighbor and self) are interwoven and cannot be separated. This is why John says in his first letter than any one who says that they love God, but hate their neighbor is a liar. It’s impossible to love the God the neighbor reflects while hating the neighbor.

For the most part, we aren’t even capable of hating our neighbor unless we harbor some level of self-hatred. Hatred of self leads to hatred of others. If I have a low tolerance for myself and my failings, I will have a low tolerance for others and their mistakes. And I will have a low tolerance for the God I say I love. Love sees beyond faults and failings. Love appreciates the person who is under the behavior that isn’t always good or perfect. 

Personal redemption comes in the form of developing a healthy self-love. Once I appreciate and love the person God created me to be, I will be able to love and appreciate the persons God created everyone on this earth to be. And the more I will understand and love the God who created all. 

Love all that is as it is and allow your soul to shine.


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