Prayer for Choosing Happiness Over Rightness

 Dear Lord, help me to remember that life is filled with choices. I can choose to be right-- to control life and try to have things my way-- or I can choose to be happy-- to surrender to You.
Choosing to be right in my own way often means I choose to fight reality and to be unreasonably unhappy over things I can’t control or change.

Choosing to be happy in Your way means I choose to accept reality as it is-- Messy-- and to be reasonably happy with what I can’t control or change. Help me choose happiness, Lord!

Choosing to be right my way also means I may continue to follow the many  unwritten rules or expectations in my mind, which only cause me misery. Help me, Lord, to be free by surrendering them to You.

Also help me to better understand that I don’t have to be right my way to be happy. In fact, I am rarely happy when I’m trying to force my rightness on other people. Being right my way rarely makes my life happy, but being happy Your way always tends to make my life right.

Clinging to my rightness enslaves me to my pride and ego. And while they may be happy, I’m not. So help me Lord to take back my power over my emotional wellness. Today I choose to be happy Your way. Amen.


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