Prayer of a Needy Heart

Lord, You know my many masks. They represent the fear, deep within my heart, that arises from unhealed hurts. Old negative self-beliefs cause me to feel “not good enough.” When I feel this way, I am often afraid to voice my important wants and needs, even with those I love most.

Please help me, Lord, to act from that place of Perfect Love within my heart. Send your Light into my empty darkness. Help me to know and acknowledge my needs and desires in healthy, non-threatening ways with loved ones .

I understand that honest self-expression may lead to differences between myself and loved ones. And I trust that your loving guidance will keep us from being threatened by our differences. I will work at accepting that I don’t have to agree with others in order to love them. I can agree to disagree without anyone having to be right or wrong, good or bad.

Help me to open my heart to honest communication. Every authentic relationship is built on honesty, truth tempered by kindness and love. Help me to remove my masks and to be genuine with others. As I come to accept myself and others as we are, I will better be able to express my desires and needs. My neediness with subside and I will gradually live interdependently with others as we begin to compliment each other.

Today, I surrender my fears to You, Lord, so that You may mold my brokenness into a beautiful mosaic that honestly reflects Your image and likeness. Amen.


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