Prayer for Healthy Self-Appreciation

Dear God, help me to journey deeper inside myself so that I may believe that I am uniquely lovable.Your hand did indeed form me, and so I am heavenly by design. I don’t need Calvin Klein or Giorgio Armani to make me OK.

I am authentically one of a kind. I lack nothing in looks, intelligence, grace, or ability. And what I may lack in discernment and choice-making, I leave to you. I believe you can make all things right if I simply allow you to do so.

Help me Lord to lose my need to compare myself and my purpose to others. Help me to love and appreciate myself and my purpose as uniquely important. I do not want to be jealous or belittling of myself or others. All people are uniquely and wonderfully made. Help us to believe and appreciate this fact. Help us to better love one another as we come to better love ourselves.

And help us to write positive, uplifting life stories that will wash-away hate and divisiveness in all of its many destructive forms. Guide me in forgiving the parts of my past that I am not proud of; and help me to make healthy strides toward personal wellness, wholeness, and happiness. Eventually, I will be peaceful in my purpose-- and in my skin. Amen.


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