Authentic Human Connection Is the Key to Life's Purpose

“You know the only thing that’s made the whole thing (life) worth while has been those few times when I’ve been able to really connect with another human being.”
Colin Firth, A Single Man

In the 2009 film “A Single Man,” the character of George Falconer (played by Colin Firth) is struggling to make sense out of life following the death of his long-term companion, Jim. It’s during the turmoil of this struggle that he comes to the great realization that the one thing that makes life valuable-- that is most essential-- is the deep human connection that bonds heart to heart and soul to soul between two vulnerable individuals.

George discovers the key to the brilliance of human life: The great ability we humans have to reflect upon and know ourselves, to connect with the Spirit inside of us and to follow the Light that emanates from within our souls: The very Light that completes us and makes us whole—Supreme Love.

And it’s the journey into the warmth of that great all-embracing Light and Love that enables us to open up and be vulnerable enough to know ourselves and to share ourselves with each other. For when we share ourselves mutually with one another on the deepest of spiritual levels, we experience the sanctity of witnessing, caressing and affirming each other’s souls.

George is indeed a blessed man. I believe there are few people in this world who reach his level of spiritual-mental-emotional-physical intimacy with themselves and thus others. Most of us are too afraid to honestly know ourselves and share ourselves completely with others, even those persons we are most attracted to on every level of our being. There are couples, spouses, who have been together for 40 years and who have never known their individual selves, much less each other. Instead of knowing themselves well enough to have a truly intimate connection of mind-body-spirit between them, they’ve busied themselves with all that’s unnecessary in this life; all of the things and distractions that keep them from knowing themselves and one another.

If you want to be supremely happy in this life you have to know yourself—and love yourself—from inside-out. You have to journey to the center of your soul and love all that you find there. You have to allow your Higher Power to fully love you and then you have to be willing to face your fears of vulnerability, to walk through those fears and to go for that deep spiritual soul-sharing connection with others. At that point you will face your greatest challenge of all: Allowing others to love you in all of your spiritual nakedness.

Even if you connect on the very deepest level with only one person in this life, it will make all of your life worth living. You will awaken from your self-imposed spiritual death and you will see all of life in the authentic brilliance of God’s Light and Love. You will truly breathe for the first time the sweetest breath of all: Authentic Love.


  1. Namaste! I salute the God within you!

    I STRONGLY recommend the film "I AM" ( to you and all of your readers. It was distributed sparingly in the theatres last year but is now available on DVD and through Netflix among others. I saw it several months ago and it has helped re-define my outlook on life. At the heart of the film is the simple but profound message: We are all connected. "WE" means all of creation, and is not limited to humankind.


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