Blowing Kisses Into the Wind

What is your purpose in life? To love well. That’s it. And you share that same purpose with every human being across this entire world. We are all created with the divine purpose to love as well-- and as creatively-- as we possibly can. To love well is an individual art; a way of uniquely being as we settle comfortably into our own skin and begin the process of sharing ourselves and our love with all those persons we encounter across our lifetimes.

Every career path, every retirement path and every other path in life calls us all to love well—in our own individual ways-- for the betterment of everyone. After all, no artist creates beauty solely for him or herself. An artist searches deep within the mystery of him/herself, discovers his/her inner-beauty and then expresses that inner-beauty through paintings, words, sculptures or photographs. And we all are called to do the same with the greatest inner-art form of all; the only universal art form that unites and bonds all peoples: Love.

Unfortunately today, many baby-boomers and elderly people think that because they are retired or because they are too old to physically “do” things for others, they have outlived their purpose in life. This is absolutely WRONG! If you feel that way, stop playing the victim. Correct your stinking thinking by understanding that your sole soul purpose is to love well. So it’s impossible for you to outlive your purpose. It’s inherently part of who you are. We all can continue to love well until we breathe our very last breath into the lungs of the universe.

If you aren’t consciously engaged in the inner-art form of loving well, now’s your chance to get into that groove. Flow with the Universal Source of all love and allow your own breath of love to flow between you and everyone who crosses your path today and every tomorrow hereafter.

Start by blowing kisses into the wind right now. They will land gently on the cheeks of all those persons who most need them-- and each of those individuals will glow from within as your personal warmth wraps its way around their hearts. They’ll feel amazing from inside-out and their smiles will light up the air around them. Then they too will blow kisses into the wind. And as the cycle continues endlessly, the world will become a brighter better place.

So open your heart to Love’s limitless possibilities and you will indeed become the very change you most wish to see in the world around you.


  1. Your third paragraph is as insightful as it is accurate. Your message should be broadcast continually from a loudspeaker on a van traveling from coast to coast, border to border. The Hindus say, "When a man loves his wife more than himself, he is loving the Lord in her. When a woman loves her husband more than herself, she is loving the Lord in him. When parents love their children more than themselves, they are loving the Lord in them." By loving well, we give God the highest praise we can.


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