The Beauty of Becoming You...

“A few times in my life, I’ve had moments of absolute clarity,
when for a few brief seconds, silence drowns-out the noise,
and I can feel rather than think. And things seem so sharp.
And the world seems so fresh as if it has all just come into existence.”
Colin Firth, A Single Man

The beauty of becoming who you are… What could be more beautiful? It’s a rewarding journey. And it lasts a lifetime. So it’s important to enjoy the journey by being in touch with those moments of clarity when your feelings supplant the noise of your thoughts.

The journey begins by connecting with yourself inside; by becoming aware of what you are feeling in this moment and allowing your feelings to connect you with the Spirit that dwells within you. Be aware of each feeling and bless it. Feelings are your guideposts along the path of life.

Each feeling you become aware of provides a moment of clarity, a new perspective on the smallest aspects of who you are and the most mundane routines of your day. Feelings are like vivid colors; they energize your black and white world. And they provide your soul with a rainbow that grounds you in the beauty of all things—in particular, the true beauty of your being.

Feelings connect you to the inner-mysteries of yourself and the Spirit that dwells within you. Your emotions draw you into the reality of your body. They enable you to see how you fit-in with the now of everything around you as they provide those moments of clarity. You are then able to know and verbalize who you truly are in relation to your Higher Power and to others. In this way, feelings provide you with the ability to connect with others on an intimate and meaningful level of self-sharing. Sharing who you authentically are then enables you to build a sacred inner-circle of friends and loved ones. Eventually you gain a sense of belonging and the indescribable beauty of authentic intimacy.

Authentic intimacy is possible because feelings paint a genuine portrait of who you are. They help you to be more animated and alive in the world around you. They enable you to fully express yourself so people begin to know who you truly are. Feelings also allow you to be vulnerable on deeper levels when you consciously choose to reach outside of yourself and to connect to the inner-mysteries of another person whom you value as a soulmate. In this way feelings pave the way for the deepest of all spiritual connections. And nothing can be more sacred.

Allow your heart to be your inner-compass. The heart is your emotional center. Flow with your heart, with your feelings, as you allow them to flow through your body. Emotions are the inner-rhythms of your life so allow yourself to move with them. Don’t analyze, fight or attempt to control your feelings. Just be with them and their natural flow. Sit or waltz with your inner-darkness when your feelings tug you in that direction. They will provide clarity and the radiance of light that will lead you out of the darkness. And sing or stretch to the stars when your feelings frolic with joy. Doing so will always get you out of your head and into your body, where the dance of this life begins and eventually ends in eternity.

Simply put, enjoy the beauty of becoming who you are. Live it, breathe it, feel it with full clarity-- today and everyday of your sacred journey through life.


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