Sexy Is Inside of You

No one’s body makes them truly sexy. Sexy is inside of you. It exists in your personality, your being in-touch with your inner-workings-- with the true inner-reality of who you are. Let’s face it: A body—however nice—is just a body. And a body always disintegrates, second by second, day by day. While the body is busy falling apart in the hands of time, the spirit within you is ever growing; becoming more beautiful, more profound and increasingly sexy—if you nurture it.

We spend a lot of time and effort nurturing our bodies. We hike, jog, swim, weight-lift, do yoga or aerobics. And all of that is good, but it’s also meaningless if we basically have nothing cultivated inside of us to share with others. People can admire us for our bodies all that they want, but they will never love us for them.

Oh, they will lust-us for our physical appearance, but then we are never anything more than a body that resembles an empty bottle. The empty body may be beautiful in shape or form or color, but it is still empty. And if it has no contents, it really has no value. That’s why we toss empty bottles away into the garbage. And that’s why so many physically beautiful people in this world are tossed away into the garbage of lust-run-dry after a lover discovers there’s nothing inside.

Cultivate your inner-person, your inner beauty. Know who you are and show who you are from inside out to the world around you in the same way you show your body to the world around you. In doing so, you will stand-out in the world. You won’t be just another body. You will be so much more and there will be many people who are attracted to the so much more that they see in you. These will be the people who have also done their inner-work, and you will be likewise attracted to them. You will then build meaningful relationships that will last you into eternity.

And as for the plastic people, who merely sculpt their bodies. Pray for them. They will never know lasting happiness as they chase from empty body to empty body to empty body unto eternity—unless something finally touches their hearts and turns their attention from outside to inside. One prayer may do just that for them. Then, they too will learn that real sexiness is in who you are within yourself and not in what you have. Nothing outside of you gives you lasting sex-appeal.


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