Life Is As It Should Be

“Everything is just as it should be.”
Andrew Weil, M.D., Spontaneous Happiness

Most days I need to get out of my own way. I have a lot of “shoulds,” a lot of personal inner-demands and wants that I place on myself, others and even nature. And these mostly irrational demands do nothing less than cause me misery. Life is not about how I want it to be. Life is about how everything actually is, despite my objections. People are who they are, the weather is as it is, the day begins and flows as the universe flows. I am a small, but important part of that flow, and I need to be open to moving with the universal flow. When I am, everything is just as it should be.

Awareness is the key to getting out of the way-- of both myself and the universal flow. Conscious surrender and release of my inner-demands is the next step. And acceptance that life is exactly as it should be—moment by moment—rounds out my active choice to live life as it is.

Living life in the flow requires being focused in the NOW by letting go of my need to control life. Control and flow are opposites. Control hinders the natural flow of life. Going with the flow means accepting that everything in my past is as it should be. Looking back, I may believe much of my past is a mess, but all of its messiness was necessary to make me who I am today. Going with the flow also means that my present, with all of its imperfection, is as it should be. And it means trusting that my future will unfold in its own perfectly imperfect way as it flows with the universal plan. All I have to do is get out of the way and relax into life.

Flowing with the universal plan doesn’t mean I become completely passive, however, like a leaf blowing in the wind. I must be able to discern what I have power to change in the present moment from what I have no power to change. For example, I have power over my thoughts in this very moment, but I have no power over the fact that I am now older—even if only by seconds—than I was when I began typing this page.

Likewise, at work, I have the power and talent to do my job, but I have no power over the interruptions that pop-up throughout my day. Nor do I have any real power over whether or not I will have a job tomorrow. If I do have a job tomorrow, then everything is just as it should be. And if I don’t have a job tomorrow, then everything is still just as it should be. Instead of fretting, I can be at peace by having faith in the Universal plan and believing that a better job is at hand.

Today make the conscious choice to get out of the way. Stop playing God. Relax, unwind and go with the flow of God’s universal plan. And you will begin to see that everything is just as it should be.


  1. We are all connected. If you relax and unwind, the world relaxes and unwinds.


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