Wanted: Higher Power

Struggling with knowing and trusting a Higher Power is problematic. The 12 Step program requires that we have a power greater than ourselves. For me, the God I grew-up with doesn’t work as a reliable Higher Power.

First off, a Higher Power has to be on your side. The God I grew-up with was never on my side as far as I could discern. And not much has changed since that time. I have a slightly better concept of my Higher Power than I did several years ago, but it still isn’t one that brings me comfort or makes me feel loved and safe.

So what do I want in a Higher Power? I want a Higher Love that makes me feel unconditionally loved, heard, validated, and cared about at all times. I want a Higher Love that comforts me and makes me feel valuable. I want a Love so great that I feel safe and warm always.

We all need to be heard and validated by our Higher Power. We need to feel like everything we are experiencing and feeling is important to our Higher Power. We need to feel like this Power is always on our side. We need to feel like we count in the eyes of our Higher Power. We need to feel like we belong, and that nothing—ABSOLUTELY NOTHING—could ever separate us from the love and guidance of our Higher Power.

So I’m considering this meditation today as my official Want Ad for a new, REAL Higher Power. If there is a Higher Power out there who can fulfill all of these needs, help me to know you in my heart. Help me to feel you, your love and your guidance.

I have already evicted my previous Higher Power, so You can move right into my heart and consciousness today. Let’s begin a beautiful new relationship that will last for all eternity.


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