Focus on the Positive in Every Moment

As the Holiday Season continues and we prepare to enter the New Year, we all have a choice: We can focus on all of our fears and disappointments over the past year, or we can focus on all we have to be grateful for over the past year. We can also choose to focus on the good in every moment that leads up to 2018– or we can focus on all that is negative in the moment and on our unfulfilled expectations.

The choice is truly ours. And it’s absolutely true that we get what we focus on. Negative thoughts produce more negative thoughts, and all of those negative thoughts produce negative emotions, including depression.

Every day I focus more and more on finding the positive in every moment, which keeps me from ruminating in my head and remaining stuck in my lifetime pattern of negative thinking. The more I focus on the positive, the more I change my habitual default into negative thoughts.

As a result, I have never felt so content in my whole life. My negative feelings are daily losing their grip on me and I find it so much easier to find happiness in accepting each moment just as it is. I’ve stopped creating unrealistic expectations and I’ve stopped making negative assumptions. I’ve also learned to stop projecting negative beliefs about myself onto other people, and I’ve learned to stop taking things personally.

If you want to enter the New Year with happy thoughts and feelings, practice focusing on the good in every moment. The more you focus on the good, the more goodness you will attract into your life. And it’s really true, you get what you focus on. 


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