Recovery is a Partnership and We Must Do Our Part!

Recovery is all about choosing to “DO SOMETHING” about our lives when we don’t like them. It’s about deciding we are responsible for our own happiness. It’s about choosing to be responsible enough for ourselves to make the necessary changes to make our lives better.

Recovery is about doing, letting go of what we can’t do, and trusting that others can help us, including our Higher Power. Life is always a partnership. We can only do so much to make our lives worth living. And what we can’t do for ourselves, we have to entrust to God or our personal Higher Power.

I remember back in the 1980s when I was wanting a new job. I prayed and prayed and nothing happened. Then I realized 1) that I didn’t really believe God wanted to help me (I wasn’t worth God’s concern); and 2) that I wasn’t hustling to get every job interview that I possibly could. Part of me didn’t expect God to help me, and the other part of me thought God should just magically drop the right job out of the sky for me!

That was the first time I realized I had to partner with God. I had to believe God wanted to help me, that I was worth helping, and I had to start hustling and doing my part to find that job I wanted. When I put these two together, everything fell into place within a couple of months. I got the job I wanted.

Recovery works much the same. We have to hustle and do our part— therapy, the 12 Steps, self-help reading and attending support group meetings regularly. We then need to trust God to do for us what we can’t do for ourselves, and we need to trust others enough to ask for help when we need it.

This is how we build the healthy, happier life we’ve always wanted.


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