Suffering from a Frozen Heart? Accept Acts of True Love in Your Life

Many of us suffer from frozen hearts. We are insensitive to ourselves and to others. We talk about the fact that we never seem to experience the presence of God, or our Higher Power, and that we rarely feel truly loved by God, or others.

But the problem is not with our Higher Power, or with other people. The problem lies within us. As children, so many of us froze our hearts to survive in our chaotic toxic home environments. And we grew into adults without realizing that we had long ago frozen our own hearts.

Recovery has made me aware of how frozen my heart has been since age four or five. And I still suffer from a frozen heart, in many ways. Rarely do I actually feel the authentic love of God for me. Intellectually I know God loves me, and everyone, but emotionally, I don’t FEEL that love.

So I’ve started praying for God to thaw my heart in ways that I have not been able to do myself. In the film Frozen, the troll king tells Anna “Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.” I believe that God is always willing to perform an act of true love to thaw our frozen hearts, but we have to be willing to accept that act of true love and to fully receive it.

In Frozen, a double miracle occurs when Anna’s act of true love not only thaws her sister Elsa’s heart, but thaws Anna’s frozen heart as well. Both sisters learn to love their true selves over the course of the film, and so both are capable of performing acts of true Love by film’s end.

I still struggle with self-love and this is where I need God to help me thaw my heart toward myself. Once I am able to truly love and accept myself as I am, my heart will thaw. But I can’t do it alone, so I am surrendering my frozen heart more and more to God. I no longer want a frozen heart toward myself or anyone else.

If you are struggling with self-love and acceptance, turn to your Higher Power and to trusted people in your life or support group. Learn to graciously accept the love they offer. Allow yourself to really FEEL that love so that it can finally melt the frozen heart inside of you just enough— just enough for you to be able to commit an act of true love toward yourself, and others, and thus truly thaw your frozen heart. 


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