Happiness is Found Through Living in and Trusting in The Now!

It’s the Holiday Season; a time when those who celebrate Christmas are supposed to be happy, happy, happy. But many people aren’t happy. This can especially be true for those of us with addictive personalities. Too often, our inner-emptiness gets in the way of being happy like we’re supposed to be.

Over my life, I’ve spent many a Christmas focusing on what was missing from my life: a romantic partner (one who could love me into being happy, of course), friends, parents who could love me for who I am, a better job, not being thin enough, not being handsome enough, not being personable enough, etc. So, I spent those Christmas holidays being miserable over what I DIDN’T have. I CHOSE to moan and groan and play poor miserable me.

But not anymore. This year I’m choosing to focus on the positives. I’m loving myself better, being more the REAL me (and learning that the right people like the real me), being grateful for how generous people are to me, being grateful for friends, for family and for life— just the way it all is.

I’m living in the moment, not in my head, and focusing on all that is good today while surrendering all problems to my Higher Power. I do what I can to fix any problems today and turn them over to God. I choose not to try and fix what I cannot fix and I refuse to worry. God will take care of God’s part for me. I trust and believe in my Higher Power.

And all is good. I feel safe, content and happy in the moment. There are truly many beautiful reasons to be happy!


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