You Are God's Daily Delight

"When the Lord established the heavens I was there...
and I was his delight day by day, playing before him all the while,
playing on the surface of his earth; and I found delight in the human race.
Book of Proverbs, Chapter 8

I wonder how many of us see ourselves as God’s “delight day by day?” Not enough of us, I feel sure, and yet that’s what we are. God delights in us every day. No doubt we are a great source of entertainment to God. I can picture God grabbing a celestial-soda, kicking up his feet, picking up the remote and turning-on his Sovereign Satellite television system to watch “Life on Earth.” We humans are undoubtedly God’s favorite “reality” stars, and the escapades of our lives certainly provide some pretty interesting viewing season after season.

Think about it. We’ve provided God with the longest running celestial-tv series in history, and there’s no sign of our program being canceled any time soon. Of course God delights in us. So why don’t we believe it? Maybe it’s because we fail to delight in ourselves. When we look in a mirror, we don’t readily see ourselves as the delightful stars of God’s favorite show. Instead, we take a brief look and say “I’m just not pretty enough” or “I’m just not talented enough,” or “I’m just not clever enough” for God to delight in me.

In his book “Be Happy,” Robert Holden quotes a mother of two children who says “When I look in a mirror, I see a droopy bottom, a spare tire and Caesarean scars. My two-year-old daughter looks at me and thinks I’m the coolest mom on the planet. I have to believe she is right, but sometimes I just don’t let myself see what she sees.” Amen to that! Nor do we allow ourselves to see what God sees. I believe God sees us much the same way a two-year-old child does. God looks at us with love, not judgment. God sees beauty, not flaws.

We all need to see ourselves through the eyes of a child, as God does. Children don’t see black or white, fat or skinny, ugly or beautiful. They don’t see wrinkles, gray hair, or big hips. Likewise, they don’t judge anyone as smart or stupid. They don’t show preferential treatment to business executives and turn their noses up at truck drivers. When children look at us, all they see is beauty. All they see is someone they love. They see only goodness much the same way as God does. God looks at all creation and proclaims it good.

Before we film the next segment of “Life on Earth,” let’s honestly try to see ourselves through the God-like eyes of a child. We will be enraptured by what we see: the coolest, cleverest, most delightful person on earth. We’ll glow from within, surrounded by the warmth of God’s love. Then we’ll hit the stage with a giant leap, delighting in ourselves just as God does. And we’ll put on our best performance ever by simply being who we really are-- and loving it. This will be one episode God won’t want to miss. He’ll probably give us a standing ovation for finally appreciating the beauty of His creation! And He’ll look forward to every future episode.

Allow your soul to shine!


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