We Are Perfectly Imperfect and Always Beautiful Before God

“Think of a rose from the time it is a tiny bud. As it opens to full flower, till the last petal falls, it is always beautiful, always perfect, always changing. So it is with us. We are always perfect, always beautiful and ever changing.”
Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life

Flowers bring beauty to life. Whether their colors are bright and radiant with sunlight, or dark and elegantly sensual. From daisies to roses, we see only beauty made vibrant when we gaze across a meadow. And yet, when we look at ourselves, we seldom see the same life-giving beauty. Each and every one of us is more beautiful than the reddest rose, but we fail to see that beauty. Our minds play tricks on our eyes. As we gaze at our reflection in a mirror, we see ourselves not as God created us, but as we-- and society-- have recreated us.

We are wonderfully made by God. As Louise Hay says we are “always beautiful, always perfect,” or as I like to say we are "perfectly imperfect." But society tells us we are never perfect. Mom or Dad tell us we are too tall or too short, too thin or too fat. Advertisers tell us we aren’t beautiful until we have the right lip gloss, or the latest haircut. Peers pressure us into believing we aren’t acceptable unless we are wearing the trendiest new jeans or shoes. Television and movies project “beautiful people” into our homes and our less-than-enlightened consciousness, and we think we come up short by comparison. They’re beautiful and we’re not. Somehow we got cheated by God.

Under this sort of social conditioning, it’s easy for us to look in a mirror and fail to see the beauty we inherently possess. It’s easier sometimes to see ourselves as weeds instead of roses. But no one is a weed, and no one can take your beauty away from you. Everyone on earth is a living reflection of the beauty of God. We are like individual mosaic pieces-- colorful, shining, bright and beautiful. When we all come together as one people, united by love, we reflect the perfect image of God. We are like a window into the Divine.

Go look at yourself in a mirror. Remember you are God’s handiwork, and all of creation is perfectly imperfect, perfectly beautiful-- including you. Bless your lines and wrinkles. Bless your love handles. Bless your thinning or graying hair. Bless the color of your skin. Bless all that you see of yourself, and allow your spiritual eyes to transform your physical presence into the true beauty that God sees every time God smiles upon you.

Allow your soul to shine!


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