Soul-Essential Beauty Tips

“For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you never walk alone.
If you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one
at the end of each of your arms.”
Audrey Hepburn, Actress & Humanitarian

Audrey Hepburn was an amazing person who offered the world some soul-essential “beauty tips” for making every one of us attractive to God and each other. Let’s look at each beauty tip.

First, “for attractive lips, speak words of kindness.” Wow! This one is a life changer. If we could calculate how many “kind” words roll off of our tongues as opposed to how many “ugly” words, I fear that kindness would be crushed under the weight of our critical mouths. No amount of lip-baum can transform critical lips into attractive ones. Critical lips, no matter how beautifully painted, will project ugly souls. Hateful words come from hateful hearts. Instead of applying a concealer, how about applying some heart-felt empathy, compassion and understanding toward others and ourselves? These are among the ingredients that make for truly attractive lips.

“For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.” Rarely do we soul-search for the good in people. For whatever sad reason, it’s much easier to seek out their faults. As soon as our eyes gaze on a person, our “stinking thinking” can kick right in: “Look at that hair... she must have stuck her finger in a light socket;” “That’s the nastiest shirt. He must never wash;” “Good God, if she gets any fatter, we’ll have to rent a fork-lift;” “You know, he’s always so pleasant, I just don’t trust him.” Next time we’re tempted to look negatively on someone, let’s catch ourselves and look for the good in him or her. Seeing through “lovely eyes” will help us to “speak words of kindness.”

“For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.” Most everyone wants to lose weight, and we all know diets don’t work. The best way to trim-down our figures is by eating less. Yet, on our way to lunch, how often do we walk right past a homeless person because we fear we won’t have enough lunch money for ourselves? Maybe we’d be better off if we couldn’t afford those french fries. Giving some of our lunch money to a homeless person is a win-win situation. He or she gets some valuable nourishment and we get a slimmer figure.

“For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.” In order to love the person we are, to speak kind words, to see the good in people, to have healthy bodies and to walk with self-worth, we need to rely on a Higher Power. When we understand that we never walk alone, we are able to walk with poise because we allow God and others to help us do what we cannot do for ourselves.

“If you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of each of your arms.” Of course, we can’t expect God and others to do for us what we need to do for ourselves. It’s important that we help ourselves while working hand-in-hand with God and others. This is how we gain balance in life.

Here’s hoping we can all put these beauty tips to good work. Give it a try. Allow your soul to shine!


  1. Wonderful advice from a wonderful actress. Thanks for sharing this.


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