The Inner-Clock is a Source of Enlightenment and Wisdom

Autumn in the desert-- and the coyotes are mysteriously making their presence felt. Suddenly they are more visible and audible, especially from dusk to dawn. I have no doubt that their inner-clocks—alerting them to winter’s approach-- have them stirring in their annual autumn ritual preparations.

We humans have our own annual ritual preparations for winter, but I don’t believe many of us rely on our inner-clocks to get us motivated. We’re too intellectual for that nowadays. In addition to our calendars and electronic schedulers, we have advertisers to tell us it’s time to buy warmer clothing, time to bring the car in for it’s winter check-up and time to get ready for the holidays.

It seems with all of our headiness, we have lost touch with our inner-clocks. Most of us are probably disconnected from them completely. Well, maybe it’s time we took some lessons from the coyotes. After all, God gave us inner-clocks (for humans, a sort of gut-intelligence) to guide us. These clocks alert us not only to changes in weather, but to changes in mood, health and safety.

Tuned-in to our inner-clocks we can be more aware of our changing moods. We can then use our God-given head-intelligence to question what’s happening inside of us. We can ask “What’s behind this sadness that I’ve been feeling lately?” Or “Why do I suddenly feel anxious and unsafe around this person?” If we take the time to question what our inner-clocks are trying to tell us, God will eventually supply the answers.

A quick tune-in to our gut-intelligence can also help us to know what our bodies are trying to tell us. Our bodies are constantly speaking to us, though we rarely listen. When we reconnect with our inner-clocks, we have the chance of noticing any extraordinary ache or pain that we are internally experiencing. And we can better discern when our gut is telling us that these pains have nothing to do with being a year older, or with that recent day of hiking. We are then better able to head-off series illness before it’s too late.

The inner-clock is a source of enlightenment and wisdom; a form of direct lifeline between God and ourselves. Intelligence is meant to help us better decode our internal clocks, but it’s not there to replace them. Let’s try tuning-out of our heads for awhile and tuning-in to our bodies—to the Spirit of God living within the temples that our bodies are. Doing so will give us a better sense of wholeness and will help our souls to shine!


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